I’ve got a little news that will hopefully help to brighten up your Monday – the next #theFABchat Twitter chat is coming! Make sure you join @theFABangels – myself (@linerglttrgloss), @makeupjunkie19 & @nellecreations – next Tuesday, January 19th at 7:00 PM est to chat our favourites from 2015 + how to refresh your look for 2016! We’ve got some great tips and can’t wait to hear what you guys have to say!
Oh, and did I mention there’s a prize? Because yeah, there’s a prize. And it’s big. And amazing! We’ve pulled together some of our favourite products to create one amazing package worth over $500! Yep, that’s a lot of beauty in one pretty little package. Make sure you don’t miss out – because if you don’t chat, you can’t win!
In the meantime, what are some of your favourite products from 2015?