Chances are you or someone you know has been affected by cancer in some way. I’ve had friends and family members who have gone through it and know so many others who have as well. Going through treatment is exhausting, physically, mentally and emotionally, and anything that can help someone dealing with this can make a difference. Hudson’s Bay and Look Good Feel Better have teamed up to make it easy for you to give someone a boost.

Look Good Feel Better is an amazing organization that helps women to feel like themselves again while going through cancer treatment. They hold incredible workshops for these women to give them a self-esteem boost and a community they can learn from & get support from.

Now through May 4th, Hudson’s Bay is giving customers a chance to get involved and to help these women out. They’ll be holding in-store Share Strength, Shop Beauty charity events with tickets available for $10 ($5 of which goes to Look Good Feel Better) that get you into the event, a one-on-one with a beauty advisor and more! They’re also selling Charity Tote Bags for $20 until June 1, with $8 from each bag sold going to Look Good Feel Better – such an easy way to show your support and help women who are going through something tough. Will you be participating?