If you’re like me, you’re no stranger to the bobby pin. You’ve got hundreds of them hiding around the house and use them on a daily basis when your hair just won’t cooperate or when you want to try a fun style. Let’s face it – sometimes they can get pretty boring, which is why I’ve got this really quick and super easy DIY to brighten them up a little today.
All you need is a handful of bobby pins and some nail polish. Seriously, that’s it. Pick colours that you love, that will compliment your hair or your outfit – the nice thing is you’re in complete control. You can pick any polishes that you want! All you have to do is polish the wavy side of the bobby pin (the side that will be showing). Pastel shades show up really well for this project. If you’re planning on going with a shade that isn’t as bright, I’m going to suggest first applying a layer of white polish and then (once it’s dry) applying your chosen shade. Let them dry, and go ahead and throw those babies in your hair!
It’s that easy, and it’s a fun way to add some colour to your hair! Would you give this a try?
I’ll just finish off with this… Something my boyfriend would say.