Hi everyone! I just wanted to post a little personal note related to the MiB (Made In Blog) Awards. This contest, running for the 2nd year, brings together a ton of amazing Canadian blogs in 21 different categories (a great chance to discover some fantastic new blogs and writers). This year, I’ve decided to throw my blog into the running for the Beauty Blog category again. The competition is incredibly tough, but I figured it would be fun to participate!
This month marks my 3rd blogiversary. I seriously can’t believe how quickly time has flown since I started my blog in 2011. To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing. I started my blog as a means to explore both my love of beauty and writing. It was a huge creative outlet for me in a time when I felt a little lost career-wise, and it quickly became a big part of my life.
In the past three years, I feel that while I have grown as a writer and blogger, my blog has had an amazing chance to grow as well. I’ve had the chance to meet amazing bloggers (some of my best friends!), PR and beauty professionals, and even a few celebrities, all of whom I am so grateful to have met. I’ve been able to participate in some amazing programs and experiences, from videos with Target and Polysporin, to ambassador programs with Matrix, Viviscal and P&G Beauty United. I’ve had a chance to expand my writing through an internship with Glow Magazine and my quarterly beauty column in Lush Luxury Magazine. I’ve fallen in (and out of) love with products. After all this, I’m still completely head over heels for the beauty world.
And let me just say I wouldn’t be where I am without each and every single one of you who have ever stopped by to read a story, comment on a post, or send me a tweet. Your support means the world to me, and knowing that even one person out there is crazy enough to listen to what I have to say still blows my mind to this day! So right now, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for believing in me and for sticking with me through this crazy journey.
Anyways, as I mentioned earlier, I’ve thrown my name into the running for the 2014 MiB Awards in the Beauty Category. If you’ve enjoyed reading my blog (I hope you have!) I would love if you could send a vote my way. You can check out my profile and vote for my blog through this link. As a little bonus, Clarisonic (the sponsor of the beauty category) is giving away 3 Mia 2 cleansing devices (oh, and you know how much I love my Clarisonic) – you can enter to win on the form on the voting page 🙂
Thank you again, and here’s to many more years 🙂