Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I spent a good chunk of mine working (yay for restaurant life) but also had a chance to have a photoshoot with Pastel Dress Party and their gorgeous tulle skirts. I can’t wait to share the photos with you!
Anyways, with the warmer weather and fun, bright clothes that summer brings, I’m all about fun nails and nail art. I’m sure you saw my nail art post from a few weeks back, but if you’re not following me on Instagram yet (you totally should be) you might have missed out on the other nail art looks that I put together for this season.
Today I thought I would bring them all together in this post to hit you with some mani inspiration to start the week off with. Take a look at the looks I’ve created below and let me know what your favourite is in the comments below? Have any nail art looks of your own to share? I would love to see them as well! And on another note, if you would like tutorials for any of the following looks, be sure to let me know and I’ll get on it!
What do you think of these looks?